Fuck The IAU
They stripped Pluto of its classification as a planet today, turning it into something called a "dwarf planet" and cutting down the number of planets to 8. Nevermind that they haven't fully explained what the fuck that means. It just seemed oh so important to these pathetic geeks that they get rid of Pluto from the planet list and demote it any way possible. They treated it like a Question of the Ages, as if this was going to change the human race for the better once the job was done.
Apparently the years of patient searching by guys like Clyde Tombaugh couldn't get in the way of "science." Decades spent looking at glass photographic plates of little dots blown so that some snot nosed brat can feel like he has some real Power in the scientific community. Most of the planet is filled with screaming assholes pulling fascist trips, so why not them? After all, these people are experts, we're told, they know more about planets than the average peasant, and we're supposed to obey their decision and forget that it ever was a planet. Those misinformed ancient witch doctors are no match for the hyper-technological superbeings in charge of all the expensive equipment. They were wrong and now the superscientists are here to save us from their stone knives and bearskins.
But the reality is that these douchenozzles voted over this. So there are apparently at least quite a few of these allegedly superior minds that wanted to keep Pluto a planet and wanted to add a few more planets to the Solar System as well. How these people got this vast amount of unchecked power is beyond understanding. Just because this Astronomical Union decided Pluto was a planet in the first place doesn't mean they should be able to recind said designation.
No, I'm afraid that this is just a case of some big egos getting out of hand. I've seen Contact enough to know that scientists aren't infallible. They're just as prone to the power trips and self-righteousness the rest of us feel. Just because they're scientists doesn't mean they're always right. Just because they have credentials doesn't make them perfect. These morons are sitting around demoting Pluto while the Solar System holds real mysteries and questions that they are needed to solve, things that could actually help the human race instead of empowering a very small and short sighted group of people who want the world to adhere to their whim.
Apparently the years of patient searching by guys like Clyde Tombaugh couldn't get in the way of "science." Decades spent looking at glass photographic plates of little dots blown so that some snot nosed brat can feel like he has some real Power in the scientific community. Most of the planet is filled with screaming assholes pulling fascist trips, so why not them? After all, these people are experts, we're told, they know more about planets than the average peasant, and we're supposed to obey their decision and forget that it ever was a planet. Those misinformed ancient witch doctors are no match for the hyper-technological superbeings in charge of all the expensive equipment. They were wrong and now the superscientists are here to save us from their stone knives and bearskins.
But the reality is that these douchenozzles voted over this. So there are apparently at least quite a few of these allegedly superior minds that wanted to keep Pluto a planet and wanted to add a few more planets to the Solar System as well. How these people got this vast amount of unchecked power is beyond understanding. Just because this Astronomical Union decided Pluto was a planet in the first place doesn't mean they should be able to recind said designation.
No, I'm afraid that this is just a case of some big egos getting out of hand. I've seen Contact enough to know that scientists aren't infallible. They're just as prone to the power trips and self-righteousness the rest of us feel. Just because they're scientists doesn't mean they're always right. Just because they have credentials doesn't make them perfect. These morons are sitting around demoting Pluto while the Solar System holds real mysteries and questions that they are needed to solve, things that could actually help the human race instead of empowering a very small and short sighted group of people who want the world to adhere to their whim.