Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

The one thing that kinda sucks about blogging is that you're expected to produce new entries on a frequent basis. As this requires remembering your password and actual user name, and as I tend to forget and lose track of all the username/passwords that I have strewn all over the entire, goddamned web, this makes it take even longer to come up with something profound or even interesting to read for you random surfers of the web. But today is the last day of 2005, and I figured that made it necessary for me to put some thoughts here on the blog despite the fact I'm committing verbal masturbation all alone on this page. I mean, come on, who really reads these things besides someone who just happened to type some random word into Google, like "platypus" and ended up getting linked to this? Blogs are the CB radios of the the early 21st century, and most people who write them are either bored, lonely or posting the events of their life so their great aunt in Seattle can see pictures of the new baby. Half the blogs out there are as fleeting as this past year was. Being honest with yourself about it is the first step towards having fun with it. As with life, the best you can hope to accomplish with a blog is to make some stranger feel like they made a connection with someone else. If you've read this far, then I'm impressed. I hope that 2006 brings you everything you need.


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